
Friday, January 31, 2020

NASA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

NASA - Essay Example NASA's primary activities or business activities start from inbound logistics then it moves to the operation side or production side (designing and development of shuttles, satellites, space stations, rockets, etc.) then it moves to delivery side or outbound logistics (shipping the completed products to the respective authorities usually another department of the administration) then finally enters into the feedback and product enhancement phase. NASA has already spent billions of dollars in its research and development program. NASA's annual R&D budget is more than many countries overall budget. The process of technology development is vital for any company to grow further and gain reputation in the market. Every company's success depends upon its people - how dedicated and qualified they are. Hiring of people in an organization like NASA is not an easy task. The organizational span of NASA is very big and they have to hire people from a peon level to a scientist level. NASA's infrastructure depends upon various tasks; it handles general management issues; accounting and finance department; affairs of government & legal issues; and other issues created or caused by other support and primary activities. Outsourcing has become very common through the globe; especially western counties like the U.S.A., Canada, and England want to outsource their work to reduce cost. Hundreds of industrial giants, including Microsoft, Cisco, and Intel have already outsourced their work to other countries to save billion of dollars. Opportunities to Outsource Globally - NASA Like any other organization, NASA also has opportunities for outsourcing its activities. There are many activities that NASA can easily outsource to other countries

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